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Shop.Monash New Product Request

Open New Product Request Form

About the form

Introducing the Shop.Monash New Product Request Form - it will take you step by step through the process of requesting a new product page.

More information can be found here. 

How to fill out the form

Click the 'Open New Product Request Form' button above and you will be directed to the new Frevvo form. Your login details will be captured automatically and you can work through each section and provide all of the information necessary to request a new page.

Click on the 'Continue to next section' button as it appears at the bottom to continue filling out all of the required information. Once all of the required fields have been completed and you've accepted the T&C's, click 'Submit to Shop.Monash' at the bottom.

Here are some examples of information that will be captured in the form:

  • Product type, name and description
  • Pricing, including discounts and earlybird options
  • GST if applicable
  • Product owner / contact details
  • Distribution of revenue (via cost centre and fund)

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