

Primary Prevention of CardioVascular Disease Health Economic Model (PPCVD-HEM)

Primary Prevention of CardioVascular Disease Health Economic Model is a health economic model that projects cardiovascular disease (myocardial infarction and stroke) based on the simulation of risk factor trajectories, with causal effects integrated via Mendelian randomisation.

The key model feature is that it can simulate any intervention that acts on cholesterol, blood pressure, smoking, or diabetes and can estimate the incidence of cardiovascular disease and health economic outcomes for these interventions

Support for this economic model is compelling as it is believed to be the first health economic model capable of providing causal estimates of the benefit of interventions without clinical trial data.



Market application & benefit

Key benefits may be obtained by pharmaceutical and medical device companies who may use the model to:

  • estimate likely benefits and cost-effectiveness of their product;
  • use of a criterion for pricing arrangements, thus deriving optimum price estimates early in the development stages;
  • support for price negotiations and reimbursement to illustrate that high acquisition costs associated with the use of technology are offset by cost savings to other areas of society;
  • use as a strategic marketing instrument to enable product differentiation

Health insurance companies may also find value in the model to estimate the long-term risk of cardiovascular disease, and the expected costs and return in society.


Professor Zanfina Ademi and Dr Jedidiah Morton
Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Monash University



A causal model for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease: the health economic model for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease (HEM-PPCVD) - PubMed (



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Primary Prevention of CardioVascular Disease Health Economic Model (PPCVD-HEM)

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