Monash Indonesian Holiday Program


Monash Indonesian Holiday Program

Purpose of event:

Two days of activities dedicated to enhancing Indonesian language skills and providing immersive experience in Indonesian culture

Dates and times:

July 8 and 9, 2024, 9.30am – 3.30 pm


Rooms 2.36 and 2.37, 2nd floor of the Monash Learning and Teaching Building (adjacent to the Bus Loop), Monash Clayton Campus

Contact for inquiries and information: 

Professor Julian Millie:

Ms Yacinta Kurniasih:


The cost of the activity is $40.00 per student, to be received by close of business on July 1, 2024. 


If a student is unable to attend, full refund will be provided. Refunds for part of the program will not be provided.

Travel arrangements:

Students/carer are to organise transport arrangements. Monash Clayton campus is easily accessed by public transport:

While attending this program, the student will engage in the following activities:

·       Language study under the instruction of a qualified Victorian secondary school teacher of Indonesian. Two levels are provided: yr. 9-10, and yr. 11-12. Instruction covers grammar, listening and speaking.

·       Non-contact martial arts program: the student will be instructed in silat, the traditional form of dance/martial arts in Indonesia. The student will perform movements to musical accompaniment following the instruction of the instructor. The activity is non-rigorous, non-contact and does not involve sparring, weapons or projectiles. Suitable clothing should be worn (loose clothing and comfortable, flat-soled shoes).

·       Cooking demonstration. The student will study the preparation and cooking of an Indonesian dish under the instruction of a demonstrator/cook.

·       The treasure hunt: This will engage the students in the use of Indonesian, as the clues are provided in Indonesian. The student’s participation will be supervised by staff at all times.

·       Indonesian dance experience. Students will receive instruction in an Indonesian dance form under the supervision of a qualified instructor.

A risk management plan for this program has been developed by staff and is available for parents to review on request.

Privacy collection notice:

Why are we seeking information about your child?

We seek the following information so that we can:

  • support students’ social and emotional wellbeing, and health
  • fulfil our legal requirement to take reasonable steps to reduce the risk of reasonably foreseeable harm to students, staff and visitors (duty of care) 
  • make reasonable adjustments for students with disabilities (antidiscrimination law) 
  • ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of people in school workplaces (occupational health and safety law)
  • enable us to communicate with parents should the need arise.

Privacy collection statement:

Monash University values the privacy of every individual’s personal information and is committed to the protection of that information from unauthorized use and disclosure except where permitted by law. For information about the handling of your personal information please see the Visitors and Enquirers Data Protection and Privacy Collection Statement PDF. For more information about Data Protection and Privacy at Monash University please see our Data Protection and Privacy Procedure PDF .

If you have any questions about how Monash University is collecting and handling your personal information, please contact our Data Protection and Privacy Office at   


Registration and consent information

Please read Parent/carer consents and more details here



More Information
Contact NameProfessor Julian Millie | Ms Yacinta Kurniasih
Contact |
I consent to the  collection and processing of my personal data.