DNA #10: Re_Visioning Bodies


DNA #10: Re_Visioning Bodies

This volume of the DNA series plunges into a number of different archives and resurfaces with physical techniques: Eliza Steinbock finds love in the Lili Elbe Archive, Europe’s largest collection of trans* and queer history; Carmen Mörsch describes how bodies that act as a medium for artistic expression communicate more than just art, inviting us to take a discrimination-wary view. Maaike Bleeker slips into the role of Neo in The Matrix and plugs a data-transfer cable into our spinal cord to ask how intellectual knowledge and physical knowing condition one another.

80 pages, 15 x 23cm, portrait, softcover
Texts: Maaike Bleeker, Carmen Mörsch, Zeyno Pekünlü, and Eliza Steinbock
Editor: Daniel Neugebauer
Year: 2022
ISBN: 9783959054966
Published by: Spector Books

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