2025 Human Factors in Healthcare: Designing Safe Systems

Human factors is a science that applies knowledge of human physical, cognitive and social abilities and limitations to design systems, organisations, jobs, and technology for safe and efficient performance. In clinical settings this includes technologies such as electronic prescribing software, surgical instruments, and all aspects of organisational, team, and clinical processes.

The aims of this 7-week course are to introduce the skills and methods used by human factors practitioners. Participants will learn how human factors can be applied to common healthcare problems such as medication safety, teamwork and leadership, and device safety through video lectures, readings and self-directed learning. By doing so, it will encourage the participants to improve patient safety at a managerial or clinical level with a broader base of skills than is commonly available within health services.

Two online only course offerings:

April Course Dates: 7 April – 23 May 2025.  Registration closes 6 April.

August Course Dates: 25 August – 10 October 2025.  Registration closes 25 August.


Doctors: AUD $900 (inc GST)

Nurses/Allied Health Professionals/Other: AUD $400 (inc GST)

Refund Policy

Up to four weeks before the Course: 100% Refund

Two to four weeks before the Course: 50% Refund

More Information

Contact Name:  Catherine Pound
Contact Emailmed-periopmedicine@monash.edu

2025 Human Factors in Healthcare: Designing Safe Systems


Compatible file extensions to upload: doc, docx, jpg, pdf, jpeg, png, gif

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